2023 Calendar Week 36

2023 Calendar Week 36

1.HUAWEI’s Mate 60 Pro is back on the market after US sanctions Without any press release, without any launch event, without any rumors, Huawei unexpectedly released its flagship phone Mate 60 Pro on 29th August 2023 at 12:08pm. People, especially tech vloggers rushed...
2023 Calendar Week 35

2023 Calendar Week 35

1. BRICS has announced its expansion by inviting six countries to join In a landmark move on the morning of August 24th, leaders at the fifteenth BRICS summit unveiled a significant expansion of the organization. Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the...
2023 Calendar Week 32

2023 Calendar Week 32

1.Homegrown Luckin Coffee surpassing Starbucks to become the largest coffee house in China Luckin Coffee, a homegrown budget coffee chain in China, has outperformed Starbucks to become the country’s top-grossing coffee company for the first half of 2023. This...
2023 Calendar Week 30

2023 Calendar Week 30

1.    Audi and SAIC formulate strategic partnership to fast-track Electrification amid rapid market shift in China On 20th April, in a significant move towards sustainable mobility, Audi confirmed a strategic partnership with China’s state-owned SAIC Motor Corp. Both...
2023 Calendar Week 29

2023 Calendar Week 29

1.    China’s GDP grow by 6.3% in the second quarter and 5.5% in the first half of 2023 According to the Preliminary data released by the National Bureau of Statistics in the first half of 2023, China’s GDP reached 59,3034 trillion yuan. Accounting for constant...